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The Reading Hut®
"On a mission to inspire every child to read, learn, and find joy in words. To achieve this, we must stop making learning to map words so difficult for so many."
Connecting Young Minds to Spoken and Written Words through Personalised Discovery Word Mapping – MyWordz® – Mapped Words®


Phonemic awareness at school entry is the strongest predictor of future reading success and helps safeguard against the risk of failure by equipping children with the foundational skills needed to decode and recognise words, with or without phonics instruction.
Speech Sound Mapping
Avery (3-year-old is learning about 'bodies' at the moment! Because of the Phonemies (Speech Sound Monsters) he can explore the Speech, Spelling and Meaning at the same time, building on existing schema, to store the word in his orthographic lexicon.
"schema" refers to a cognitive framework or concept that helps organise and interpret information.
Phonics Shop
Spelling Clouds

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