The Reading Hut®
"On a mission to inspire every child to read, learn, and find joy in words. To achieve this, we must stop making learning to map words so difficult for so many."
Connecting Young Minds to Spoken and Written Words through Personalised Discovery Word Mapping – MyWordz® – Mapped Words®

SAI Spaces: Early Screening with Intervention
Our innovative 'Screen and Intervene' tech idea has arisen from the Innovate UK-funded 'I Can Speak Without You' technology, which enables non-speaking children to communicate even before they learn to read and spell. The rapid learning acceleration observed in toddlers using this tech, especially in phoneme articulation and phonemic awareness, has inspired us to further explore this potential and establish SAI Spaces within communities nationwide. These SAI Spaces can be incorporated into early years centres, focusing on children under five, as well as primary and secondary schools, SEN units, and even prisons. By assigning independent SAI Specialists to these learning spaces—who are not employed by the education service provider—we ensure independence, nationwide support, and the highest level of reporting, which is checked by our experts before being released.
This innovative approach not only enhances screening and intervention but also facilitates national scalability and rollout.
